lamina.query documentation



[x {:as options}]

Parses the query descriptor down to the canonical representation.



[descriptor s]
[descriptor {:keys [timestamp payload period seq-generator], :or {payload identity}, :as options} s]

Takes a sequence s and a descriptor, which may either be a function that takes a channel, or a query descriptor.

Required parameters:

:timestamp - a function that takes an element of the sequence and returns the associated time.

Optional parameters:

:payload - a function that takes an element of the sequence and returns the assocated value (defaults to identity)

:period - the default period for periodic operators

:seq-generator - a function that takes a pattern (i.e. in "abc.rate()" the pattern is "abc") and returns the base sequence. This is useful for merging together multiple streams in your query.



[descriptor->seq {:keys [timestamp payload period seq-generator], :or {payload identity}, :as options}]

A variant of query-seq which allows for multiple seqs to be simultaneously processed. Instead of taking a single seq, it takes a map of descriptors onto sequences. If the sequence is nil, the descriptor is presumed to describe both the origin and transform (i.e. {"abc.rate()" nil} is valid, `{".rate()" nil} is not).

Returns a map of descriptors onto the result sequences.



[descriptor {:keys [task-queue timestamp payload period stream-generator auto-advance?], :or {payload identity}, :as options} ch]

A function which applies a transform to a stream, with some convenience methods for dealing with non-wall clock analysis.



[descriptor->channel {:keys [task-queue timestamp payload period stream-generator auto-advance?], :or {payload identity}, :as options}]

A variant of query-stream, wihch takes a map of multiple descriptors onto the source channels, and returns a map of those same descriptors onto the results.